Basic examples demonstrating datamate
Filesystem as memory¶
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datamate import Directory, set_root_dir
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
# we set the root directory
root_dir = Path(".") / "data"
# we erase data from earlier execution of this notebook -- ignore this cell
if root_dir.exists():
import shutil
# we create a Directory instance
cell_measurements = Directory()
Directory_0000/ (empty)
We 'measure' cell attributes: identity, x- and y-coordinates, and colors.
# we store data by setting attributes
n_cells = 100
cell_measurements.cell_id = np.arange(n_cells)
cell_measurements.x = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n_cells)
cell_measurements.y = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n_cells)
cell_measurements.colors = np.random.rand(n_cells, 3)
# we verify files with the tree-view method
# (automatically called)
Directory_0000/ - Last modified: January 27, 2025 14:52:42 ├── _meta.yaml ├── cell_id.h5 ├── colors.h5 ├── x.h5 └── y.h5 displaying: 1 directory, 5 files, 2 levels.
# we access data as attributes
plt.scatter(cell_measurements.x, cell_measurements.y, c=cell_measurements.colors, s=10)
plt.xlabel("cell location in x")
plt.ylabel("cell location in y")
plt.title(f"Locations and colors of {n_cells} cells")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Locations and colors of 100 cells')
# we index h5-arrays from disk without fully loading them to reduce memory load
start_cell_id = 0
end_cell_id = 50
plt.xlabel("cell location in x")
plt.ylabel("cell location in y")
plt.title(f"Locations and colors of {end_cell_id - start_cell_id} cells")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Locations and colors of 50 cells')
# we use the directory name to point to the same directory again
cell_measurements = Directory("Directory_0000")
# works also with specifying the root directory
# cell_measurements = Directory(root_dir / "Directory_0000")
Directory_0000/ - Last modified: January 27, 2025 14:52:42 ├── _meta.yaml ├── cell_id.h5 ├── colors.h5 ├── x.h5 └── y.h5 displaying: 1 directory, 5 files, 2 levels.
Hierarchical data organization¶
# we navigate upwards on the filesystem hierarchy
data/ - Last modified: January 27, 2025 14:52:42 └── Directory_0000/ ├── _meta.yaml ├── cell_id.h5 ├── colors.h5 ├── x.h5 └── y.h5 displaying: 2 directories, 5 files, 2 levels.
# we navigate upwards twice
examples/ - Last modified: January 27, 2025 14:52:42 ├── .gitignore ├── 01a_datamate_examples.ipynb ├── 01b_parallel_read_and_write.ipynb └── data/ └── Directory_0000/ ... displaying: 3 directories, 3 files, 2 levels.
# we create a pointer to a child Directory
# (as long as no file/attribute with this name already exists)
connections/ (empty)
# we `measure` a random connectivity matrix
connectivity_matrix = np.random.randn(n_cells, n_cells) > 2
plt.xlabel("postsynaptic cell id")
plt.ylabel("presynaptic cell id")
plt.title("connectivity matrix")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'connectivity matrix')
# we store the connectivity as graph (i.e. edges) because its sparse
post_cell_id, pre_cell_id = np.where(connectivity_matrix)
cell_measurements.connections.pre_cell_id = pre_cell_id
cell_measurements.connections.post_cell_id = post_cell_id
# the connections are now stored in our directory
Directory_0000/ - Last modified: January 27, 2025 14:52:42 ├── _meta.yaml ├── cell_id.h5 ├── colors.h5 ├── connections/ │ ├── _meta.yaml │ ├── post_cell_id.h5 │ └── pre_cell_id.h5 ├── x.h5 └── y.h5 displaying: 2 directories, 8 files, 2 levels.
# we access them later from the same directory
connections/ - Last modified: January 27, 2025 14:52:42 ├── _meta.yaml ├── post_cell_id.h5 └── pre_cell_id.h5 displaying: 1 directory, 3 files, 2 levels.
# with attribute-style access to the h5-array
array([14, 68, 72, 98, 16, 62, 87, 62, 93, 2, 45, 93, 4, 53, 96, 20, 68, 91, 0, 6, 93, 13, 33, 46, 58, 2, 90, 5, 56, 2, 35, 56, 91, 60, 93, 2, 30, 77, 2, 38, 26, 66, 31, 85, 18, 23, 35, 99, 66, 95, 6, 28, 59, 66, 15, 31, 52, 70, 8, 11, 23, 30, 44, 46, 64, 23, 63, 83, 14, 58, 61, 11, 6, 61, 89, 99, 12, 13, 20, 71, 90, 3, 31, 51, 48, 57, 68, 84, 16, 33, 46, 86, 97, 15, 22, 64, 73, 87, 89, 98, 47, 37, 61, 6, 40, 49, 73, 83, 53, 95, 0, 13, 25, 20, 27, 36, 46, 67, 78, 80, 3, 26, 62, 71, 12, 31, 40, 0, 57, 66, 50, 75, 94, 51, 63, 4, 7, 47, 48, 7, 75, 79, 86, 11, 36, 1, 2, 49, 88, 64, 84, 93, 33, 42, 62, 9, 13, 14, 53, 64, 15, 10, 44, 57, 73, 8, 28, 34, 45, 2, 11, 60, 66, 86, 16, 85, 0, 11, 25, 29, 75, 45, 68, 4, 7, 65, 15, 22, 23, 28, 65, 25, 47, 97, 4, 39, 12, 23, 69, 85, 24, 82, 93, 63, 81, 9, 64, 9, 18, 33, 58, 48, 67, 92, 17, 37, 3, 53, 60, 88, 12, 36, 75, 27, 83, 5, 13, 44, 64, 70, 74, 19, 47, 57, 77, 20, 34, 84, 89, 42, 51, 21, 35, 43, 46, 80, 91, 63, 13, 59, 3, 56, 59, 90, 17, 23, 33, 37, 97])
# or composing strings following the pathlib syntax for your preference
(cell_measurements / "connections/pre_cell_id")[:]
array([14, 68, 72, 98, 16, 62, 87, 62, 93, 2, 45, 93, 4, 53, 96, 20, 68, 91, 0, 6, 93, 13, 33, 46, 58, 2, 90, 5, 56, 2, 35, 56, 91, 60, 93, 2, 30, 77, 2, 38, 26, 66, 31, 85, 18, 23, 35, 99, 66, 95, 6, 28, 59, 66, 15, 31, 52, 70, 8, 11, 23, 30, 44, 46, 64, 23, 63, 83, 14, 58, 61, 11, 6, 61, 89, 99, 12, 13, 20, 71, 90, 3, 31, 51, 48, 57, 68, 84, 16, 33, 46, 86, 97, 15, 22, 64, 73, 87, 89, 98, 47, 37, 61, 6, 40, 49, 73, 83, 53, 95, 0, 13, 25, 20, 27, 36, 46, 67, 78, 80, 3, 26, 62, 71, 12, 31, 40, 0, 57, 66, 50, 75, 94, 51, 63, 4, 7, 47, 48, 7, 75, 79, 86, 11, 36, 1, 2, 49, 88, 64, 84, 93, 33, 42, 62, 9, 13, 14, 53, 64, 15, 10, 44, 57, 73, 8, 28, 34, 45, 2, 11, 60, 66, 86, 16, 85, 0, 11, 25, 29, 75, 45, 68, 4, 7, 65, 15, 22, 23, 28, 65, 25, 47, 97, 4, 39, 12, 23, 69, 85, 24, 82, 93, 63, 81, 9, 64, 9, 18, 33, 58, 48, 67, 92, 17, 37, 3, 53, 60, 88, 12, 36, 75, 27, 83, 5, 13, 44, 64, 70, 74, 19, 47, 57, 77, 20, 34, 84, 89, 42, 51, 21, 35, 43, 46, 80, 91, 63, 13, 59, 3, 56, 59, 90, 17, 23, 33, 37, 97])
Configuration-based compilation of data¶
We wrap up the code above into a coherent object that can be configured and compiled to a Directory
from time import sleep
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datamate import Directory, root
data_dir = Path(".") / "data"
@root(data_dir) # this optional decorator defines the root directory
class CellMeasurements(Directory):
def __init__(self, n_cells=100, seed=0):
print("Loading connectome ...")
# store cell attributes
self.cell_id = np.arange(n_cells)
self.x = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n_cells)
self.y = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n_cells)
self.colors = np.random.rand(n_cells, 3)
# store connectivity attributes
connectivity_matrix = np.random.randn(n_cells, n_cells)
pre_cell_id, post_cell_id = np.where(connectivity_matrix > 2)
self.connections.pre_cell_id = pre_cell_id
self.connections.post_cell_id = post_cell_id
print("Stored connectome!")
# we init 'CellMeasurements'
# __init__ is only run if a directory of this type and config does not yet exist
cell_measurements = CellMeasurements()
Loading connectome ...
Stored connectome!
# we verify contents written by __init__
CellMeasurements_0000/ - Last modified: January 27, 2025 14:52:47 ├── _meta.yaml ├── cell_id.h5 ├── colors.h5 ├── connections/ │ ├── _meta.yaml │ ├── post_cell_id.h5 │ └── pre_cell_id.h5 ├── x.h5 └── y.h5 displaying: 2 directories, 8 files, 2 levels.
# we verify config written by __init__
Namespace( config = Namespace(type='CellMeasurements', n_cells=100, seed=0), status = 'done' )
# we change the seed
# we automatically get a second directory of the same type (but with different data)
cell_measurements_2 = CellMeasurements(n_cells=100, seed=42)
Loading connectome ...
Stored connectome!
# we verify contents written by __init__
CellMeasurements_0001/ - Last modified: January 27, 2025 14:52:52 ├── _meta.yaml ├── cell_id.h5 ├── colors.h5 ├── connections/ │ ├── _meta.yaml │ ├── post_cell_id.h5 │ └── pre_cell_id.h5 ├── x.h5 └── y.h5 displaying: 2 directories, 8 files, 2 levels.
# we verify config written by __init__
Namespace( config = Namespace(type='CellMeasurements', n_cells=100, seed=42), status = 'done' )
Memory persistence¶
We restart the kernel and retrieve the data quickly later, using the same code and without recomputing.
from time import sleep
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datamate import Directory, root
data_dir = Path(".") / "data"
class CellMeasurements(Directory):
def __init__(self, n_cells=100, seed=0):
print("Loading connectome ...")
# store cell attributes
self.cell_id = np.arange(n_cells)
self.x = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n_cells)
self.y = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n_cells)
self.colors = np.random.rand(n_cells, 3)
# store connectivity attributes
connectivity_matrix = np.random.randn(n_cells, n_cells)
pre_cell_id, post_cell_id = np.where(connectivity_matrix > 2)
self.connections.pre_cell_id = pre_cell_id
self.connections.post_cell_id = post_cell_id
print("Stored connectome!")
# fast init because points to the directories with the same type and configuration
cell_measurements = CellMeasurements(n_cells=100, seed=0)
cell_measurements_2 = CellMeasurements(n_cells=100, seed=42)
Namespace(type='CellMeasurements', n_cells=100, seed=0)
Namespace(type='CellMeasurements', n_cells=100, seed=42)
Pandas integration¶
We load the h5 data to a pandas dataframe for further processing.
cells = cell_measurements.to_df()
connections = cell_measurements.connections.to_df()
cell_id | x | y | colors | |
0 | 0 | 1.764052 | 1.883151 | [0.961936378547229, 0.29214752679254885, 0.240... |
1 | 1 | 0.400157 | -1.347759 | [0.10029394226549782, 0.016429629591474204, 0.... |
2 | 2 | 0.978738 | -1.270485 | [0.66991654659091, 0.7851529120231378, 0.28173... |
3 | 3 | 2.240893 | 0.969397 | [0.5864101661863267, 0.06395526612098112, 0.48... |
4 | 4 | 1.867558 | -1.173123 | [0.9774951397444468, 0.8765052453165908, 0.338... |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
95 | 95 | 0.706573 | -0.171546 | [0.5887396099702882, 0.9627703198402424, 0.016... |
96 | 96 | 0.010500 | 0.771791 | [0.6964824307014501, 0.8136786497018634, 0.509... |
97 | 97 | 1.785870 | 0.823504 | [0.33396486959680916, 0.7908401632274049, 0.09... |
98 | 98 | 0.126912 | 2.163236 | [0.44203563772992527, 0.5199523745708382, 0.69... |
99 | 99 | 0.401989 | 1.336528 | [0.09088573203240946, 0.22775950153786095, 0.4... |
100 rows × 4 columns
post_cell_id | pre_cell_id | |
0 | 23 | 0 |
1 | 33 | 0 |
2 | 62 | 0 |
3 | 28 | 1 |
4 | 54 | 2 |
... | ... | ... |
206 | 8 | 97 |
207 | 35 | 97 |
208 | 9 | 98 |
209 | 81 | 98 |
210 | 97 | 99 |
211 rows × 2 columns
We load the meta data into a pandas dataframe.
cell_measurements.meta.to_df(name="measurements 1")
measurements 1 | |
status | done |
config.type | CellMeasurements |
config.n_cells | 100 |
config.seed | 0 |
cell_measurements_2.meta.to_df(name="measurements 2")
measurements 2 | |
status | done |
config.type | CellMeasurements |
config.n_cells | 100 |
config.seed | 42 |
We tabularize experiment configurations.
configs = cell_measurements.meta.to_df(name="measurements 1").join(
cell_measurements_2.meta.to_df(name="measurements 2")
measurements 1 | measurements 2 | |
status | done | done |
config.type | CellMeasurements | CellMeasurements |
config.n_cells | 100 | 100 |
config.seed | 0 | 42 |
Or, vice versa, we create a directory from a pandas DataFrame (note, must provide h5py compatible type information):
measurements 1 | measurements 2 | |
status | done | done |
config.type | CellMeasurements | CellMeasurements |
config.n_cells | 100 | 100 |
config.seed | 0 | 42 |
dtypes = {"measurements 1": "S50", "measurements 2": "S50"}
# we create a directory from the dataframe of configs
directory = Directory.from_df(configs, dtypes, "experiments_config")
experiments_config/ - Last modified: January 27, 2025 14:52:52 ├── _meta.yaml ├── measurements 1.h5 └── measurements 2.h5 displaying: 1 directory, 3 files, 2 levels.
directory.to_df(dtypes={"measurements 1": str, "measurements 2": str})
measurements 2 | measurements 1 | |
0 | done | done |
1 | CellMeasurements | CellMeasurements |
2 | 100 | 100 |
3 | 42 | 0 |
Alternatively, we seamlessly store and retrieve dataframes via csv files.
directory.cells = cell_measurements.to_df()
directory.connections = connections
# we verify the dataframes
cell_id | x | y | colors | |
0 | 0 | 1.764052 | 1.883151 | [0.961936378547229, 0.29214752679254885, 0.240... |
1 | 1 | 0.400157 | -1.347759 | [0.10029394226549782, 0.016429629591474204, 0.... |
2 | 2 | 0.978738 | -1.270485 | [0.66991654659091, 0.7851529120231378, 0.28173... |
3 | 3 | 2.240893 | 0.969397 | [0.5864101661863267, 0.06395526612098112, 0.48... |
4 | 4 | 1.867558 | -1.173123 | [0.9774951397444468, 0.8765052453165908, 0.338... |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
95 | 95 | 0.706573 | -0.171546 | [0.5887396099702882, 0.9627703198402424, 0.016... |
96 | 96 | 0.010500 | 0.771791 | [0.6964824307014501, 0.8136786497018634, 0.509... |
97 | 97 | 1.785870 | 0.823504 | [0.33396486959680916, 0.7908401632274049, 0.09... |
98 | 98 | 0.126912 | 2.163236 | [0.44203563772992527, 0.5199523745708382, 0.69... |
99 | 99 | 0.401989 | 1.336528 | [0.09088573203240946, 0.22775950153786095, 0.4... |
100 rows × 4 columns
post_cell_id | pre_cell_id | |
0 | 23 | 0 |
1 | 33 | 0 |
2 | 62 | 0 |
3 | 28 | 1 |
4 | 54 | 2 |
... | ... | ... |
206 | 8 | 97 |
207 | 35 | 97 |
208 | 9 | 98 |
209 | 81 | 98 |
210 | 97 | 99 |
211 rows × 2 columns
# we extend the dataframes
directory.extend("cells", cell_measurements_2.to_df())
directory.extend("connections", cell_measurements_2.connections.to_df())
# we verify the dataframes
cell_id | x | y | colors | |
0 | 0 | 1.764052 | 1.883151 | [0.961936378547229, 0.29214752679254885, 0.240... |
1 | 1 | 0.400157 | -1.347759 | [0.10029394226549782, 0.016429629591474204, 0.... |
2 | 2 | 0.978738 | -1.270485 | [0.66991654659091, 0.7851529120231378, 0.28173... |
3 | 3 | 2.240893 | 0.969397 | [0.5864101661863267, 0.06395526612098112, 0.48... |
4 | 4 | 1.867558 | -1.173123 | [0.9774951397444468, 0.8765052453165908, 0.338... |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
195 | 95 | -1.463515 | 0.385317 | [0.7723183917356393, 0.5201635011119934, 0.852... |
196 | 96 | 0.296120 | -0.883857 | [0.5519068387744855, 0.5609379715353863, 0.876... |
197 | 97 | 0.261055 | 0.153725 | [0.40348286621239704, 0.13401522845064073, 0.0... |
198 | 98 | 0.005113 | 0.058209 | [0.755137255673619, 0.6203095513534647, 0.7040... |
199 | 99 | -0.234587 | -1.142970 | [0.21296416150891073, 0.13637147558676976, 0.0... |
200 rows × 4 columns
# we verify the dataframes
post_cell_id | pre_cell_id | |
0 | 23 | 0 |
1 | 33 | 0 |
2 | 62 | 0 |
3 | 28 | 1 |
4 | 54 | 2 |
... | ... | ... |
437 | 57 | 97 |
438 | 61 | 97 |
439 | 91 | 98 |
440 | 27 | 99 |
441 | 52 | 99 |
442 rows × 2 columns
Example: visualize the graph¶
def visualize_measurements(cell_measurements):
import networkx as nx
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
print(e, ", install networkx to visualize the cell graph structure.")
_input = input("install now? yes/no")
if _input == "yes":
import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install networkx
import networkx as nx
cells = cell_measurements.to_df()
connections = cell_measurements.connections.to_df()
G = nx.Graph()
pos = dict(zip(cells["cell_id"].values, cells[["x", "y"]].values))
options = {
"font_size": 4,
"node_size": 10,
"node_color": cell_measurements.colors[:],
"edgecolors": "0.5",
"linewidths": 0.25,
"width": 0.25,
nx.draw_networkx(G, pos, **options)
Configuration comparison and diffing¶
# we compare how the `measurements` differ in their configuration
# (this works with complex nested configurations too)
Namespace(self=['≠config.seed: 0'], other=['≠config.seed: 42'])
Directory structure visualization (tree view)¶
from datamate import Directory, set_verbosity_level
data_dir = Path(".") / "data"
# default: we display 2 levels of the hierarchy and 25 lines
data/ - Last modified: January 27, 2025 14:52:52 ├── CellMeasurements_0000/ │ ├── _meta.yaml │ ├── cell_id.h5 │ ├── colors.h5 │ ├── connections/ │ │ ... │ ├── x.h5 │ └── y.h5 ├── CellMeasurements_0001/ │ ├── _meta.yaml │ ├── cell_id.h5 │ ├── colors.h5 │ ├── connections/ │ │ ... │ ├── x.h5 │ └── y.h5 ├── Directory_0000/ │ ├── _meta.yaml │ ├── cell_id.h5 │ ├── colors.h5 │ ├── connections/ │ │ ... │ ├── x.h5 │ └── y.h5 └── experiments_config/ ... length_limit, 25, reached, displaying: 8 directories, 15 files, 2 levels.
# we display all subdirectories and files
data/ - Last modified: January 27, 2025 14:52:52 ├── CellMeasurements_0000/ │ ├── _meta.yaml │ ├── cell_id.h5 │ ├── colors.h5 │ ├── connections/ │ │ ├── _meta.yaml │ │ ├── post_cell_id.h5 │ │ └── pre_cell_id.h5 │ ├── x.h5 │ └── y.h5 ├── CellMeasurements_0001/ │ ├── _meta.yaml │ ├── cell_id.h5 │ ├── colors.h5 │ ├── connections/ │ │ ├── _meta.yaml │ │ ├── post_cell_id.h5 │ │ └── pre_cell_id.h5 │ ├── x.h5 │ └── y.h5 ├── Directory_0000/ │ ├── _meta.yaml │ ├── cell_id.h5 │ ├── colors.h5 │ ├── connections/ │ │ ├── _meta.yaml │ │ ├── post_cell_id.h5 │ │ └── pre_cell_id.h5 │ ├── x.h5 │ └── y.h5 └── experiments_config/ ├── _meta.yaml ├── cells.csv ├── connections.csv ├── measurements 1.h5 └── measurements 2.h5 displaying: 8 directories, 29 files
# we display referenced folder and last modified date
data/ - Last modified: January 27, 2025 14:52:52
Parallel read/write operations¶
We start the training loop by running the cells below.
We run the jupyter notebook 01b_datamate_intro_supplement.ipynb
to see how data is simultaneously written and read to the loss.h5 file.
from import tqdm
from time import sleep
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from datamate import Directory, root
data_dir = Path(".") / "data"
class NetworkDir(Directory):
class Config:
tau: float = 200.0
sigma: float = 0.1
def __init__(self, num_iters: int = 100):
del self.loss
for i in tqdm(range(num_iters), desc="Training"):
def train_iter(self, iter):
[np.exp(-iter / self.config.tau) + np.random.rand() * self.config.sigma],
network_dir = NetworkDir()
NetworkDir_0000/ - Last modified: January 27, 2025 14:52:53 ├── _meta.yaml └── loss.h5 displaying: 1 directory, 2 files
plt.title("Training loss")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Training loss')
# we verify that the directory exists
"NetworkDir_0000" in Directory(data_dir)
# we delete the directory and its contents
# network_dir.rmtree("y")
# we verify that the directory is deleted
# "NetworkDir_0000" in Directory(data_dir)